Post-Production Funding
Fri, 4 Dec 1998 12:23:16 -0600
Call For Submissions For
The First Annual Chicago Underground Film Fund
The Chicago Underground Film Festival is proud to announce the creation
of The Chicago Underground Film Fund, established to aid underground and
independent film and video makers who share the festival's maverick
spirit and defiant attitude. Selected winners will receive cash grants
of between $500 and $2000 for post production on works-in-progress that
are in keeping with our mission to promote works that push boundaries,
defy commercial expectations and transcend the mainstream of independent
The fund is open to all film and video directors and producers. We will
consider proposals for any existing project, regardless of length,
genre, or final exhibition format. Film projects in 35mm, 16mm, or
super-8, and all video formats are eligible.
For grant applications or 1999 festival entry forms contact the festival
at (773) 327-FILM, Email: [log in to unmask], or visit our website at The submission deadline for the fund is February 1,
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama.