venice film fest
Sat, 10 Sep 2005 15:24:19 -0400
This just in:
Golden Lion: *Brokeback Mountain* (Ang Lee, USA)
Grand Jury Prize: *Mary* (Abel Ferrara, USA)
Best Director: *Les Amants Reguliers* (Philippe Garrel, France)
Best Actor: David Straitharn (*Good Night, Good Luck,* George Clooney,
Best Actress: Giovanna Mezzogiorno (*La Bestia nel Cuore,* Cristina
Comencini, Italy)
Best Screenplay: George Clooney, Grant Heslov (*Good Night, Good
Luck,* George Clooney, USA)
Best Cinematography: William Lubtchansky (*Les Amants Reguliers,*
Philippe Garrel, France)
gloria monti, ph.d.
cleveland heights, OH
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10 September 1963
Twenty African-American students entered public schools in Birmingham,
Mobile, and Tuskegee, Alabama, after President John F. Kennedy sent
National Guardsman to end the standoff with Alabama Governor George
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