SCREEN-L and Usenet: Changes
Mon, 27 Feb 1995 13:17:39 CST
As many of you may know there is an alternative way to read the
messages on SCREEN-L without actually being *subscribed* to SCREEN-L
and getting the messages mailed directly to you.
This is done through a Usenet newsgroup called bit.listserv.screen-l.
As with all newsgroups, one connects one's computer to another
computer which stores the newsgroup's messages. One may thus read them at
his/her leisure. Recently, commercial online services such as America
Online and Prodigy have been adding Usenet services to their
systems. Many university computers also provide Usenet access.
Anyway, up till now this has been a one-way gateway. That is,
SCREEN-L fed messages into Usenet, but did not accept messages
*from* Usenet in return. This week I have changed this set-up.
Now, messages posted to bit.listserv.screen-l (the newsgroup)
will be sent to me, the moderator, and I will forward them to
SCREEN-L, if they are appropriate to our purposes.
We set up this gateway before SCREEN-L became a moderated list and
made it a one-way system to avoid the possibility of SCREEN-L being
flooded with Usenet-originating messages. Since we're now moderated
and I filter all incoming messages and since there have only been
three or four per week coming from Usenet anyway, I figured we
might as well open things up.
So, if folks on AOL or others with Usenet access wish to read
bit.listserv.screen-l and occasionally post a message from there,
they may now do so without actually subscribing to SCREEN-L, the
mailing list.
Yers in better Internettin',
There is no underestimating the intelligence
of the American public.
--H. L. Mencken--
| Jeremy Butler - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [log in to unmask] |
| SCREEN-L Coordinator |
| Telecommunication & Film Dept * The University of Alabama * Tuscaloosa |