Re: Riefenstahl, etc.
Tue, 21 Jun 1994 23:10:34 EDT
Sehr geehrte Herr Eder !
You do seem to know a good deal more that I do about Riefenstahl's career.
If her films were forbidden, I presume that she was also forbidden
(Berufsverbot) to work in any capacity in the German film industry. Was she
ever offered a chance to work in the East? Was there a _Berufsverbot_?
You've also talked about her suits. I presume they were under the German
law of Beleidigung, which seems to me to be more inclusive and different
than American libel law. Can you describe the issues in more of the
suits and their outcome? Her willingness to engage in such suits makes
her a feisty character.
I'm also concerned with your characterization that German films are non-
political. My own film viewing tends to be heavily alternative, and so
things like "Nasty girl" do not strike me as apolitical. Fassbinder, too,
it seems to me heavily political, as in the way citizens of Munich treat
a Turkish man in "Ali". I also find the marriage of Maria Braun very
pointedly anti-american. More recently, "Nasty girl" is very political
about a very thinly disguised Passau in which the former denouncer of
Jews has become the professor of history, and in which the wartime mayor,
who tried to resist Nazis was jailed by the American occupation troops.
Riefenstahl often seems like sleaze, but extraordinarily gifted sleaze.
How, indeed, did she answer the _Fragenbogen_?
Ed Haupt