British War films query
Mon, 1 Mar 1999 12:52:24 -0600
Cross posted on H-Film & Screen-L (my apologies for duplication)
A war historian friend has asked me about finding the following British
films concerning the awarding of the Victoria Cross. I am woefully
uninformed about this topic. Therefore, I am unable to help him but
thought that perhaps some of you might be able to point us in some helpful
Here's the information we have in terms of the films and their availability
in the past.
_Victoria Cross Race by Military Cyclists_ in A Selected Catalogue of
the Best and Most Interesting `Hepwix' Films, Hepworth & Co.,
1903, 10.
_How Tommy won the Victoria Cross -- An Incident of the Soudan War_,
Warwick Trading Co., Ltd., 1901 Catalogue, 134.
_How a C.I.V. won the Victoria Cross_ in Walker, Turner & Dawson's
Animated Photographs for the Cinematograph, 1901, 4
_On the issue of winning V.C.'s_, see Britain's Welcome to Her Sons (which
is also a filmed music hall routine), in New Animatograph Films, R.W.
Paul, 1903, n.p; Low, British Film, 1: 48.
_"Still Worthy of his Name_," Animated Photographs, Jury's Imperial
Bioscope, c. 1905, 13; Low, British Film, 2: 42, 125, 135
You may respond via the list of to me directly at:
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Thank you,
J. Emmett Winn
Film Studies Instructor
Dept. of Communication
217 Tichenor Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849-5211
fax 334-844-4665
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