Re: Douglas Sirk inquiry
Tue, 1 Dec 1998 02:17:21 -0500
At 11:43 AM 11/30/98 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi everyone. I am currently writing a thesis on the films of Douglas Sirk.
>The section that I am working on now is based largely on the screening
>notes that I took during the 1997 Sirk retrospective organised by the
>Ontario Cinematheque in Toronto, since I have not been able to obtain a
>video copy of his 1936 film "Schlussakkord" or "Final Chord" through
Try this website
for an unsubtitled, NTSC tape at $39.95. I haven't ordered from them and
so can't vouch for or against them. They're also selling Sirk's "La
Habanera" which is not only a fantastic film but shows just how much an
auteur Sirk was.
Lang Thompson
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