Re: Black exhibition
Wed, 21 Feb 1996 22:44:25 EST
> On Tue, 20 Feb 1996 14:53:08 -0600 Chad Dell said:
> >Though I don't recall a direct reference, Mary Carbine's work on Black-owned
> >and operated cinemas in Chicago in the 1920s is an illuminating work in that
> >area. She write of the jazz bands that accompanied the silent films,
> >creating quite a different spectatorial experience altogether.
> Does anyone have a more complete cite to work on Black exhibition in any
> era?
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Cal Pryluck, Radio-Television-Film, Temple University, Philadelphia
> <[log in to unmask]> <[log in to unmask]>
Carbine's piece ("The Finest Outside the Loop: Motion Picture Exhibition
in Chicago's Black Metropolis, 1905-1928")--which, I agree, is a very
valuable one--is in CAMERA OBSCURA #23 (May '90), a special issue on "Pop
Culture and Reception Studies" edited by Lynn Spigel.
That should get you started, at least.
Also, some pretty interesting stuff was published in The Village Voice
this summer in conjunction with the Blaxploitation fest at Film
Forum. Some of it might be of interest to you, since it's quite
"reception" oriented. In particular, they published conversation between
poet Paul Beatty, Greg Tate (I think), and a few other folks which
occurred while they were watching a few of the films on videotape.
In fact, as for the more general issue of talking in theaters, you might
want to check out a piece that was also published in The Voice (again, I
think) late this summer, bu one of their film critics. She was complaining
about this in downtown Manhattan recently, especially at the
Angelika when KIDS was showing. If it wasn't The Voice, it was The New
York Press. If I remember correctly, a somewhat heated argument ensued in the
letters-to-the-editor section in the next few issues.
Rich Cante
University of Southern California, Cinema-Television
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