Headship position of dept.
Thu, 9 Mar 1995 15:11:02 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The Dept. of Media Arts at The University of Arizona invites
applications for the headship position of the dept. effective July 1,
Applicants must be qualified for appointment at the rank of tenured
Professor. The appointment is fiscal with competitive salary and
benefits. The salary will be commensurate with experence.
Qualitications include demonstrated succes in an administrative
position and a distinguished reputation in the nedia arts with earned
terminal degree. The Dept. Head will be responsible for all aspects
of administration of the Dept. of Media Arts.
Send Current vitea, and names, phone numbers of at least four
reference to:
Michael Gillette, Chair
Dept. of Media Arts Search Committee
Office of the Dean, Music 111
Faculty of Fine Arts
The University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
The review will begin March 1 and continue until the position is