CFP: Children's Creative Production
Mon, 11 Jan 2021 11:17:35 -0600
Dear Colleagues,
We are putting together an edited collection on cultural productions by
children, theorizing children as creators and exploring children’s cultural
production as a crucial, albeit often understudied, area of children’s
literature, media, and cultural studies. We have most of the contributors
in place, but we are seeking 2 to 3 additional chapters to round out the
collection--specifically chapters on performance, music, visual art,
digital media, film, television, and/or material culture from any time
period. Please note that we are seeking work on children, not teenagers.
If interested in potentially participating, send a proposal of 100-200
words by January 26th to [log in to unmask] We plan to
make decisions by February 1st in the hopes that first drafts of chapters
will be submitted at some point during summer 2021.
Feel free to share with interested colleagues.
Please direct questions to Pete Kunze and Victoria Ford Smith at
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Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best wishes,
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