Job announcement
Fri, 16 Jan 2004 13:53:23 -0000
Could you please post the job announcement below. Thank you
Dr Catherine Grant
Film Studies, SDFVA
University of Kent
Kent CT2 7NX
tel. +44 (0)1227 823749
email [log in to unmask]
University of Kent (Canterbury Campus, UK)
Two posts: Film Studies and Film Practice
The School of Drama, Film and Visual Arts: 900+ students on undergraduate
and postgraduate degree programmes; strong focus on creative practice.
Highly successful in teaching and research; buoyant recruitment; expanding
The Film Studies Department: a major centre for Film Studies, offering
research and taught postgraduate programmes together with an undergraduate
single honours degree course involving filmmaking, and combined courses in
film with other subjects. Rated 5 in the 2001 RAE, we wish to consolidate
and enhance our research excellence while extending and complementing the
range of subjects we teach.
Senior Lecturer/Lecturer B in Film Studies [Ref: A04/39]
We seek applicants with a general knowledge of contemporary historical,
critical and theoretical issues in Film Studies, along with research or
teaching expertise outside the field of American cinema, in area[s] that
would complement and/or extend the existing range of academic Film Studies
specialisms at Kent. We would be particularly interested in applicants who
can enthuse undergraduates on topics related to non-English language
cinemas, and/or film or television theory, as well as those who wish to
forge connections between practice-based work, and the critical/scholarly
emphasis of the Film Studies programme as a whole. Applicants should have a
strong record of research and publication; those applying for a Senior
Lectureship should have a substantial research profile, appropriate to a
submission seeking the equivalent of 5* in previous RAE terms.
Lecturer A in Film Studies (with Practice) [Ref: A04/40]
We seek applicants with expertise in film practice in order to consolidate
and develop our strand of practice-based courses (which currently
encompasses Moving Image Production, Introduction to Screenwriting, and
Exploring the Frame). We may appoint either a single, full-time person, or
two 0.5 positions. Applicants should have, or be in the course of
establishing, a good record of practice-based work and/or professional
filmmaking experience, and will contribute to undergraduate teaching across
our practice courses, as well as undertaking administrative duties. We would
be particularly interested in applicants with expertise in experimental or
innovative documentary film. Applicants should demonstrate an ability to
forge connections between practice-based work, and the critical/scholarly
emphasis of the Film Studies programme as a whole; and should have, or be in
the course of establishing, a record of research activity which may take the
form of practice and/or scholarly/critical writing.
Start date for both posts: as soon as possible after April 1st 2004
Salary Scales: Lecturer A: £22,191-£25,451; Lecturer B: £26,270-£33,679;
Senior Lecturer: £35,251-£39,958.
Closing date for receipt of completed applications for both posts is 12
noon, 20th February 2004. Interviews should be held in March 2004.
Further Particulars are available from the Personnel Office on:
+44 (0)1227 827837 (24 hours)
or from our website:
Text phone users please telephone +44 (0)1227 824145.
Please quote the appropriate reference number.
We actively promote equal opportunity in education and employment and
welcome candidates from all sections of the community.
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