Telluride IndieFest 2K - Official "First Call for Entries"
Mon, 28 Feb 2000 07:34:35 -0700
Press Release: February 28, 2000
This is the *official* "First Call for Entries" for Telluride
IndieFest 2K (December 7 - 10)!
Each year Telluride IndieFest shows the *best* of independent cinema,
short films and documentaries from around the world, and showcases
*outstanding* screenwriting achievements!
Telluride IndieFest is frequently referred to as "Film Camp" (because
of its friendly and intimate atmosphere) - and is acknowledged by
Hollywood as being a "hot bed" for discovering new talent!
Complete information about Telluride IndieFest is available on the
festival's web site at:
As well, we encourage everyone to *enter online* (at the festival's
web site) for it greatly simplifies the entire entry process!
Please Note: We are (again) limiting entries to 1000 (total of all
films, videos, and screenplays) - so take advantage of *reduced*
entry fees by entering today!
Film & Write On,
Michael Carr
Director: Telluride IndieFest
Dedicated to the spirit and advancement of independent filmmaking and
screenwriting worldwide.