US/Canada - UK Student Exchanges
Sat, 12 Apr 2008 16:12:55 +0100
Dear all,
sort of a strange request for Screen-L, but I've been looking at the
existing exchange programmes we have at the University of Worcester with
various US and Canadian institutions. Most of what we currently have in
place are rubbish - not that the universities themselves are bad, but they
were put together with other programmes in mind, not Film Studies, and Film
is not best served by these programmes. Also, as Film is relatively new at
Worcester, these connections have not been developed.
So, I'm wondering if anyone out there is interested in a (at this stage
anyway) undergraduate student exchange with Film Studies at Worcester; we're
probably talking about exchanges for only a single semester in duration
(although if you run year-long courses, we'd have to revisit that). We can
always expand the exchange programme to include staff, researchers and
possibly post-graduate students if all goes well. I know we have several
students/year who would be interested in coming to North America, and I'm
sure some of your students would be interested in studying in the UK for a
semester (we'd probably be talking about an exchange of a maximum of 2 or 3
students per year). So let's talk...
All the best,
Mikel J. Koven
Senior Lecturer, Course Leader Film Studies
University of Worcester
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