Re: Need Film Title Help
Tue, 23 Jan 1996 17:41:07 -0600
On 1/19/96 Robert Johnson, Jr. wrote:
>I am looking for help in locating the title of two films.
>The first is a Boris Karloff masterpiece from the '30s. He plays
>both lead roles (twin brothers; one good, the other predicably evil).
>It is a period piece, set in Europe (?), prehaps around the 1500 or 1600's.
>The storyline is simple.
This is THE BLACK ROOM (1935), directed by Roy William Neill, who went on
to direct most of the Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes films.
>The second film title I'm looking for is less clear in my memory. There
>is a shipwreck. Survivors (Doug McClure?) make it to an island. There is
>pestilance, evil, etc., etc. but nobody can leave. It turns out that there
>are a bunch of Nazi soldiers lying on the surrounding reef's floor waiting
>to kill anyone who attempts to leave. (I seem to recall that they
>verify the tale by using a glass bottomed boat.) The Nazis are gill-men
>types; results of an experiment. I believe the "doctor" (Christopher Lee ?)
>was trapped on the island as well.
This one is SHOCK WAVES (aka DEATH CORPS, a translation of Totenkorps, the
name given to the soggy Nazi zombies). No Doug McClure, but John Carradine
is the captain of the shipwrecked glass-bottomed boat (he doesn't survive
very long). Peter Cushing is the mad scientist. 1975, directed by Ken
--Richard Leskosky
Richard J. Leskosky office phone: (217) 244-2704
Assistant Director FAX: (217) 244-2223
Unit for Cinema Studies University of Illinois
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