CFP for SCS 2002 panel
Sun, 12 Aug 2001 17:53:37 -0500
Seeking papers for a panel proposal for the Society for Cinema Studies
conference in Denver, CO, May 23-26, 2002.
Sound Theory/Sound Technology
We invite proposals assessing the role of the sound track in the cinema and
engaging such theorists as Michel Chion, Rick Altman, et al. Possible
approaches to include but by no means limited to:
* the imbrication of sound technology and diegetic image in constituting
* the semiotics of electronic or mechanical special effects
* the function of popular or classical music as a common language
translating culturally specific meanings within international cinema.
Please send inquiries or proposals (in SCS Abstract format at via email to both addresses below by September
15, 2001:
Angelica Fenner
Department of French and Italian
260 Folwell Hall
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455
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Lloyd Whitesell
Faculty of Music
McGill University
555 Sherbrooke St. West
Montreal, CANADA H3A1E3
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