Re: SCREEN-L Digest - 21 Apr 1995 to 23 Apr 1995
Thu, 4 May 1995 13:29:00 CDT
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
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Are there colleges/universities in the US that have Departments where
Film/Media programs coexist with Theatre programs, on a relatively equal
footing ?
Dan, which is to say
[log in to unmask]
Response: The Communication Arts and Sciences department at Calvin
College in Grand Rapids, MI houses both theatre and film studies
programs. Students majoring the department all identify a
"concentration" in film, theatre, rhetoric, telecommunications,
or film. All students take a common intro course, a theory class in
their concentration and a common senior seminar with students from
different concentrations. The film offerings include intro, history
and theory courses and the concentration overlaps with the
telecommunications one. Based on interest students can take elective
courses in other concentrations. The film concentration is only
three years old; the theatre emphasis more established although the
actual number of major are close in numbers.