Re: [representations of pregnancy]
Tue, 21 Nov 2000 00:24:38 PST
My name is Datis Alaee and I'm a post Masters student (currently studying Mass
Media Film Production) at Southwest Missouri State University.
During the 5th season of STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE, Nana Visitor was pregnant
with her (daughter, I believe) and she played her role of being the station's
second in command for more than a couple of episodes with the pretext of
carrying Keiko and Miles O'Brien's baby. Supposedly, because of a
complication, Keiko'd child had to be transplanted into another woman's womb
and Major Kira who was present in the shuttle when all this occured had
volunteered to carry Keiko's baby. There are a whole bunch of good episodes
of when Nana was pregnant during the show. I'd recommend you get with a
Trekker friend and check them out. They'd sure make good material for your
paper. Good luck :)!
Datis Alaee
"Goodwin-Kelly, Mary Kate" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I am working on a paper in which I want to consider the history of pregnancy
in film and television representation-both the concealment of actresses'
pregnancies and the spectacular representations of actresses' OR their
characters' pregnancies. Examples include Marge Gunderson's pregnancy in
Fargo (I don't believe Frances McDormand was pregnant during the production
of this film though I'd be interested in anyone's ability to confirm or
disprove my suspicion) and Lacey's pregnancy in Cagney and Lacey (occasioned
by Tyne Daly's actual pregnancy). If anyone has examples of other TV or
film scenarios that I might consider, I'd appreciate any suggestion. Or if
you know of any research or scholarship that deals with this issue, I'd
appreciate those suggestions as well.
Mary Kate Goodwin-Kelly
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