CFP: Teaching the Zombie Workshop, Theorizing Zombiism conference (University of Gothenburg, July 2021)
Wed, 20 Jan 2021 10:34:15 -0600
Call for Workshop Panelists: Teaching the Zombie
Part of the Theorizing Zombiism 2 Conference (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
As part of the Theorizing Zombiism 2: Undead Again conference, we are seeking proposals for a workshop entitled “Teaching the Zombie.” This workshop aims to create a space in which scholars from a variety of disciplines can discuss how they integrate or plan to integrate Zombie Studies into their classes. As one of the objectives of the conference is to encourage international and interdisciplinary relationships among scholars, our hope is that this workshop can foster connections through discussions of pedagogical practice.
Workshop panelists will share zombie-themed assignments and activities intended for their classes as well as hold an informal discussion on teaching zombiism more generally. We welcome proposals focused on teaching zombies within any discipline.
Each panelist will prepare a short (5 minutes or less) presentation of an assignment or activity they use in their courses or plan to use in their courses that utilizes Zombie Studies. The workshop panelists will then engage in an informal discussion of teaching zombiism and a Q & A with the audience. Ideally, we will later collect the assignments to share on the Zombie Studies Network website.
Please submit a 300-word abstract that provides a description of the ways you have integrated zombies/zombiism/zombie studies into your courses (or hope to integrate zombies into your courses) alongside a description of your proposed assignment or activity.
Please note that proposals may be submitted for both a conference presentation for Theorizing Zombiism 2 as well as for this workshop. See the conference CFP at:
While the conference organizers are hoping that the majority of the conference events will take place in a live, synchronous format, we are aware that this workshop may need to accommodate alternative formats for participation.
Please send abstracts to [log in to unmask] by March 10, 2021.
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