European Journal of Cultural Studies - issue two now out!
Fri, 19 Jun 1998 13:07:49 +0000
The European Journal of Cultural Studies - Issue Two Now Out!
The second issue of the European Journal of Cultural Studies has just been
Edited by Pertti Alasuutari, Ann Gray and Joke Hermes, the journal has been
launched to promote a conception of cultural studies rooted in lived
experience. The journal adopts a broad-ranging view of cultural studies,
charting new questions and new research, and mapping the transformation of
cultural studies in the years to come.
Volume 1 Number 2
Notes on common culture: towards a grounded aesthetics Paul Willis
Are we all in the closet?: notes towards a sociological and cultural turn
in queer theory
Steven Seidman
Audience research at the crossroads: the 'implied audience' in media and
cultural theory
Sonia Livingstone
Archaeology of an acting style: Stanislavski, Brecht and the subject
Peter Buse
Shifting spaces, shifting identities: 'The Total Balalaika Show'
Timo Cantell
Poetics of voice and maps of space: two trends within empirical research in
cultural studies
Paula Saukko (review article)
For further information about subscribing or about contributing to the
journal contact Jane Makoff at SAGE Publications on
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Details about this journal, including the Editorial from the first issue,
are also available on our website
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