Thu, 8 Jun 1995 09:31:04 GMT
I am studying at Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication,
and I'm currently gathering research, for my major dissertation for
my degree in 'visual communication design,' on the technical, social and moral
issues surrounding film in the next century.
Film is one hundred years old this year. Within these years, film has developed
along with
technology, in fact they go hand in hand. Should we start trying
to preserve film as we know it, or encourage turning it into an
interactive, virtual reality.
It appears now, that the post-production side of film making is taking
over from the production, so where do we see the role of the film
maker? Where do we see the role of the actor himself? We have already
seen in films such as Forrest Gump, that 'digital actors' have parts
written for them. Soon we may see Humphrey Bogart and Grace Kelly
being played, as the main characters of a new film, by a Quantel
Harry and Iris animation systems.
Surely this would end hype surrounding the personal lives of living actors,
but isn't the scandal what the public wants? That would die.
If it ended up being purely digital and interactive, which I personally doubt,
think that something close may happen, wouldn't the arguement start,
in years from now, that this would be similar to computer games now,
a waste of brain time and possibly dangerous, if able to be totally
submerged within it all?
I would be so grateful if you could share you views on this matter.
Even recommend a bibliography or other contacts who may be interested
in talking to me about this urgent subject. I am open to all
opinions and would pleased for all the help I can get on this.
Thank you
Jonathan Cheetham
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Jonathan Cheetham
Ravensbourne College
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