Source for Documentaries
Sat, 5 Aug 1995 08:22:02 CST
Forwarded by Jeremy Butler.
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Subject: Source for Documentaries
Author: [log in to unmask] (Trask Susan L) at SMTP-LINK
Date: 8/4/95 4:44 PM
I am not a subscriber to this list but hope someone may be able to
help me. Any responses can be sent to my e-mail address listed
Are there any sources to locate documentaries for purchase, rental or
loan? Specifically, I am looking for "Radio Fish Town" directed by
Henry Ferrini(?).
Any suggestions would be wonderful. Thanks in advance.
Sue Trask
Reference Librarian
Marshall-Wythe Law Library
College of William and Mary
South Henry Street
Williamsburg, VA 23187
(804) 221-6351
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