Re: Diegetic
Fri, 9 Jun 1995 09:49:34 -0400
On Thu, 8 Jun 1995, Donald Larsson wrote:
> Gloria Monti comments:
> Last, let me mention internal diegetic sound: when the source of
> the sound belongs to the mind of a character & external diegetic sound: I
> am quoting Bordwell&Thompson, because their definition was never too
> clear to me--"that which we as spectators take to have a physical source
> in the scene." (310) Maybe they simply mean onscreen diegetic sound? An
> example of that does not come to mind easily."
> Nope--External diegetic sound isn't necessarily onscreen--as your first
> paragraph indicates, external diegetic can also be (and often is) offscreen.
Sorry. I meant to write *offscreen* diegetic sound. My typo.
> Clear examples would be hearing a character's voice and knowing that the
> character is in the room but not seeing him or her.
I maintain my confusion. Then the question becomes: what's the
difference between external diegetic sound and offscreen diegetic sound?
> Internal diegetic sound, on the other hand, is access to a character's
> thoughts--
> as in Olivier's soliloquy's in HAMLET and HENRY IV (compare to the use of
> external diegetic for same speeches in the Zefferelli
Zeffirelli. Now we're even typowise. :-)
Gloria Monti
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