Re: Film Lists Suggestion
Fri, 6 May 1994 12:56:28 -0400
> I'd like to urge those people who make requests to this list about
> films on "water" and "women and money" (btw, isn't every film about
> women and money?) and the like do so by providing their email address
> in the post and requesting that suggestions for the list be sent
> directly to them. Then, after a week or two, they can send _one_ post
> to the list with the entire catalogue of responses. That way, people
> who want to see all the wet films can do so, but our mailboxes won't
> be filled to their capacities each day. I think the list would be
> better for it, no?
No Chris, it would not be. This is the old question of cluttering
subscribers' inboxes that we have been debated for months--and I hoped we
had resolved too. I thought we had decided that it was useful for most of
us to see these titles, that it might give us food for thought, etc.
Here's my example. I replied individually to a subscriber who
wanted more info. on the Beat Generation Conference in NYC. Fairly long
posting. At least three more people asked me for the same info. and after
mailing them privately I decided to post the info. to screen-l.
Small example, but one that taught me something.
Also, if someone is asking for titles and we all mail privately,
*that* person will certainly get the same titles over&over again in their
box. Imagine that.
Remember, there's always that delete key, if you are not
interested. It only takes a second.
Gloria Monti