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May 1998, Week 1


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Johnson Cheu <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 5 May 1998 03:21:33 -0400
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
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well, I'm not sure that one could say there's "scarcity" in representations
of disability in film.  As my students and I discover, and even researching
the archieves of this list for this thread a year or so ago, I think it has
more to do with the absence of disability studies which makes us not notice
disabled characters in films (A list of recent Oscar contenders from
Philedelphia, Rain Man, Forrest Gump, Born on the Forth, My Left Foot,
Scent of a Woman, Hunchback of Notre Dame, even Silence of the Lambs) says
that disability is everywhere, but nowhere.  That's no a slam against
anyone here, merely on observation.  But enough of my soapbox, you asked
for some references.
Norden Martin. *The Cinema of Isolation: A History of Physical Disability
in the Movies* Rutgers UP 1994 (he used to be a member (still is)? of this
listserve.  Where are you Martin?
Pointen/Davis *Framed: Interrogating Disability in the Media*  BFI
(temporary avialable from Indiana UP) 1997.
Wahl, Otto. *Mental Illness on Film* or some such title, also from Rutgers.
Klobas, Lorie L. *Disability in Film and TV* or some such title.
There's also a book called *Hollywood Speaks: Deafnes and the Film
Entertainment Industry* and atricles by Paul K. Longmore on this topic in
either Disability Studies Quarterly, Disability and Society or both.
There's more stuff, but I don't have my bib in front of me right now. But
Norden's book has an extensive film bibliography.
Johnson Cheu
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