deadline to register for ORPHAN FILM SYMPOSIUM
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 15:04:32 -0500
The registration deadline for participation in the film preservation
"Orphans of the Storm: Saving 'Orphan Films' in the Digital Age" is
Here is a preview of the events scheduled for September 23-25, 1999 at the
University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC.
Thursday, September 23rd
9 am -11:15 Newsfilm Library Open House
1-3:15 Technological Frontiers of Film Preservation
KAREN LUND (National Digital Library), "Early Cinema on the LC Web Sites"
ROBERT HEIBER (Chace Productions), "Sound Preservation and Restoration in
the Digital Age"
SEAN COUGHLIN (Cinetech Labs), "Digital Dynamics and the Future of Film
TOM BENJAMIN (Iron Mountain Archives), "Environment Trends for Motion
Picture Preservation"
KENNETH S. WEISSMAN (Library of Congress Motion Picture Conservation
Center), moderator
3:30-5:30 What Is an 'Orphan Film'?
Suzanne Lee (National Film Preservation Foundation), "Preserving
Orphan Films: Public Policy in Practice"
Paolo Cherchi-Usai (George Eastman House), "What Is an
Orphan Film? Definition, Rationale, and Controversy"
Gregory Lukow (UCLA Film and Television Archive), "The Politics of
'Orphanage': The Rise and Impact of the 'Orphan Film' Metaphor on
Contemporary Preservation Practice"
7:00 SCREENING: "Raiders of the Lost Archive"
Rick Prelinger, "More Revelations from the Prelinger Archives"
Joe Lauro (Historic Films), "Lost Treasures of American Music. . . on Film"
Friday, September 24th Russell House Theater
9 - 10:30 Newsreel Preservation
Raymond Fielding (Florida State University), "History and the Newsreel"
William T. Murphy (National Archives), "The Unhappy State of American
Newsreel Preservation"
Sarah Meyerson, moderator, and "The News Archives of TV Networks"
10:45-12:15 Films without Owners
Francis Poole (University of Delaware), "Five Reasons to Care about Films
Orphaned in Educational Collections"
Robert Haller (Anthology Film Archives), "Ed Emshwiller's Project Apollo
(USIA -- 1968)"
Jan-Christopher Horak (Universal Studios), "Orphaned in Old Age? Hollywood
Studio Silents at Universal and Elsewhere"
1:30-3:00 Experimental Cinema
Callie Angell (Whitney Museum of American Art), "Caught in the Act:
Evidence from the Warhol Films"
Jon Gartenberg (Gartenberg Media Enterprises), "Rude Awakening:
Restoring the Legacy of Experimental Filmmaker Warren Sonbert"
Donald Crafton (University of Notre Dame), "The Found Footage in
Bruce Conner's A Movie"
3:15-4:45 Rediscovering Oscar Micheaux
Charlene Regester (University of North Carolina), "The Oscar
Micheaux Production Company"
Charles Musser (Yale University), "Preserving The Symbol of the
Jacqueline Stewart (University of Chicago), "Silent Cinema's
Stepchildren: Reconstructing Early Black Spectatorship"
Steven Higgins (Museum of Modern Art), moderator
5:00 SCREENING: "Rescued from the Low Countries"
Oscar Micheaux's The Symbol of the Unconquered (1920)
a restoration-in-progress from the Museum of Modern Art
live musical accompaniment
Nico de Klerk
(Netherlands Filmmuseum)
"Programming the Theatrical Short, 1935-1940"
Saturday, September 25th Russell House Theater
8:45 SCREENING: The Two Orphans (1911)
9:00 - 10:30 Early Cinema
Jennifer M. Bean (University of Washington - Seattle), "Frozen in Time:
Looking at the Dawson City Archive Collection, 1913-1919"
Steven Higgins (Museum of Modern Art), "The Biograph Collections"
Yuri Tsivian (University of Chicago), "Early Russian Films and the Tyranny
of Modernity"
10:45-12:30 Television and Video Preservation
Linda Tadic (University of Georgia), "Television Preservation as the
Neglected Child"
Steve Davidson (Wolfson Media Center), "Local Television News Archives at
the 50th Anniversary of TV"
Mike Mashon (Library of Congress) "Television and Video Preservation at the
Library of Congress"
1:45-3:15 Low and Local
Eric Schaefer (Emerson College), "Saving Rubbish: The High Priority of
Preserving 'Low' Films"
Tom Whiteside (Duke University), "Up for Adoption? The Adaptability and
Use of Movies of Local People and Other Orphan Films"
Mark Miller (Pikes Peak Community College), "'Come to North Dakota!'
Community-Sponsored Motion Pictures, 1916-1920"
Stephen Parr (San Francisco Media Archive/Oddball Film & Video), moderator
3:30-5:30 Contemporary Filmmakers Use Orphan Films
Carolyn Faber (WPA Film Library), Iota (1998), moderator
Bill Morrison, The Film of Her (1996)
Alan Berliner, City Edition (1980)
Péter Forgács, The Danube Express (1998)
8:15 SCREENING: "A Home for Home Movies"
Alan Berliner presents excerpts from Family Album and Nobody's Business
Péter Forgács presents The Maelstrom (A Video Opera)
Dan Streible
Dept. of Art
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
(803) 777-9158
fax 777-0535
ORPHANS OF THE STORM: Saving 'Orphan Films' in the Digital Age
a Film Preservation Symposium
at the University of South Carolina
SEPTEMBER 23-25, 1999
For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: