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October 1995, Week 5


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Joe Weinmunson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 29 Oct 1995 23:26:05 -0600
text/plain (44 lines)
On Fri, 27 Oct 1995, Scott Furtwengler wrote:
> I am looking for original films or adaptations which include a main or
> secondary character with mental disability.  Especially a character through
> whose perspective the narrative is filtered/represented, something like
> Benjy Compson's character in The Sound and the Fury.  Even peripheral
> characters as in Do the Right Thing or City of Hope may be helpful.  Of Mice
> and Men, Forrest Gump, and Gilbert Grape all come to mind, but if someone
> could point me to a film in which the p.o.v. is from the character with the
> disability.
> Interested in how the characters and their p.o.v. are represented
> Thanks in advance,
> Scott Furtwengler
> Scott R. Furtwengler
> Morris Library, SIUC
> [log in to unmask]
> (618) 536-2124
> ----
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Sissy Spacek did a film in the early 1970s called _Badlands_, where she
plays a dim girl who can't understand why her life is so difficult.
Sorry, I don't have a year or a director.
        * Joseph C. Weinmunson III      *  "If I can't dance to it, I  *
        *                               *  don't want any part of your *
        * [log in to unmask]     *  revolution."--Emma Goldman  *
        *                               *                              *
        * Louisiana Scholars' College   *  Them bats is smart--they    *
        * Natchitoches, LA  71497       *  use radar.                  *
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