Quotation from screenplay of 'The Big Sleep'
Wed, 23 Feb 2005 19:52:05 +0000
Apologies for cross-posting.
This might sound like a bizarre question, but I'm trying to establish the
correct form of a quotation from the screenplay of 'The Big Sleep':
specifically the line in which Dorothy Malone describes the organised crime
boss whose front is an antique shop as someone '...who effects a knowledge
of antiques but hasn't any.' Question: should it be 'effect' or
'affect'? I always thought the former, i.e. 'effect' as a verb meaning (to
quote the Chambers Dictionary definition) to accomplish or bring something
about. I'm using this quotation in a book which is now in the final
editing stage. Not only have I used the quotation, but in the title of a
chapter as well - so needless to say, I'd like to get it right! One of the
external readers has corrected the verb to 'affects'. To my mind this
seems wrong: 'affect' means to change something which already exists,
whereas the verb in this quote is being used to describe the creation of an
effect which did not previously exist (and, subtly, to point out that the
resulting effect [noun] is a false and misleading one).
I know that this sounds like a terribly niggly little point, but can anyone
settle this definitively? I'd hate to have to change the title of my
chapter this late in the day!
Many thanks in advance
Leo Enticknap
Northern Region Film & Television Archive
Middlesbrough, UK
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