Mon, 30 Mar 2015 10:59:58 +0000
Dear colleagues,
REFRAME<> is proud to announce the launch of its new publishing imprint REFRAME Books<>. The imprint will focus on publishing open access scholarly contributions to the fields of media, film, music, cultural studies, the digital humanities, and journalism, in a variety of e-reading formats.
REFRAME Books<> launches with the publication of The Tablet Book<>, edited by Caroline Bassett<>, Ryan Burns<>, Russell Glasson<> and Kate O’Riordan<>, a collection of seven original research essays which mobilise a range of perspectives and approaches in thinking about and understanding the tablet computer.
This book arose in response to discussion at the Tablet Symposium<> held at the University of Sussex in April 2013, an event funded by the Centre for Material Digital Culture<>.
* REFRAME Books<> is online at: <>
* The Tablet Book<> is online at: <>
REFRAME Books credits
* Book Design and Layout Editor: Tanya Kant
* Technical Editors: Russell Glasson and Tanya Kant
* Managing Editor: Catherine Grant
* Publisher contact: [log in to unmask]<[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
* Publisher’s ISBN Prefix: 978-0-9931996
REFRAME<> is an open access academic digital platform for the online practice, publication and curation of internationally produced research and scholarship. It is supported by the School of Media, Film and Music<>, University of Sussex, UK.
Best wishes
Dr <> <> Catherine Grant<>
REFRAME<> Editor,
Part-Time Senior Lecturer in Film Studies
School of Media, Film and Music
University of Sussex
Silverstone Building
Falmer BN1 9RG
E: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
T: +44 1273 678876
Co-editor: [in]Transition<>: Journal of Videographic Film and Moving Image Studies - a Cinema Journal<>/MediaCommons<> Project
Editor: Film Studies For Free<>
Guest Editor: Frames, Issue 1, July 2012: Film and Moving Image Studies Re-Born Digital?<>
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: