Children & Media Outside the Home
Thu, 2 Oct 2008 13:15:07 +0930
Announcing my new book with Palgrave
Children and Media Outside the Home: Playing and Learning in After-School Care
Drawing on extensive ethnographic research and engaging with contemporary
studies, Children and Media Outside the Home demonstrates how children's media
practices are contoured by the environments in which they occur and highlights
the differences across the spaces of home, classroom and childcare settings.
Chapters include closer looks at The Place of Media in Children's Leisure, TV
and Video in after-school care, Videogames and Internet Use, and Making Media.
For more information and ordering, please visit Palgrave
Karen Vered, PhD
Head, Department of Screen & Media
260 Humanities Bldg.
Flinders University
GPO Box 2100
Adelaide 5001
South Australia
(61) 8 8201 3198 phone
(61) 8 8201 3635 fax
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