*Spectator **Call for Papers*
*The Wild Image*
*Spectator 36.2 (Fall 2016)*
* The moving image, emerging when it did as a technology of modernity, has
often been described using the terminology of modernity: for instance, the
contested metaphor of the classical Hollywood studio system as a factory.
Yet, moving image technologies have historically been equally fascinated
with recording (or creating) the wild, the exotic, the uncontrollable, and
the untamed. What does it mean to make a “wild” image? How do such images
circulate (or how have such images circulated historically)? What potential
meanings emerge from these images? This issue of **Spectator seeks papers
that explore the theme of wildness and often apparently paradoxical
mediations on it. While “wildness” is interpreted broadly here, of
particular interest are studies that examine the production, distribution,
and dissemination of wildness in both historical and contemporary media
from the perspective of industry studies, political economy, or animal
studies. Spectator also seeks reviews of books related to these areas.*
*Deadline for Submission: November 20th, 2015*
*Spectator* is a biannual publication and submissions that address the
above topics in the following areas are now invited for submission:
- Wildlife documentary and/or wildlife television
- Ethnographic media
- Animals, animality, and/or wildness in children’s entertainment
- Location shooting in rugged terrain and/or mainstream fictional
representations of wild landscapes (e.g. Peter Jackson’s *Hobbit* and *Lord
of the Rings* franchises)
- Livestream feeds of zoo animals or natural locations
- Animation’s representations of wild animals
- Nature and wildlife in social media (e.g. Cecil the Lion)
- Urbanism, the built environment, and resistances to wildness
Manuscripts to be considered for publication should be sent to:
- Courtney E. White, Issue Editor
The Bryan Singer Division of Critical Studies
School of Cinematic Arts, Room 320
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2211
· Email: [log in to unmask]
· Phone: (818) 624-9610
Submissions may be e-mailed directly to the editor (preferred), but
physical manuscripts may be submitted to the address above. Manuscripts
should include the title of the contribution and the name (s) of authors,
as well as the postal address, e-mail address, and phone numbers for the
author who will work with the editor on any revisions. All pages should be
numbered consecutively. Contributions should not exceed 5,000 words,
including footnotes. They should also include a brief abstract for
publicity. Authors should also include a brief biographic entry. Rejected
manuscripts will not be returned.
Articles submitted to *Spectator* should not be under consideration by any
other journal.
Book Reviews may vary in length from 300 to 1,000 words. Please include
title of book, retail price and ISBN at the beginning of the review.
Forum or Additional Section contributions can include works on new archival
or research facilities or methods as well as other relevant works related
to the field.
*Electronic Submissions and Formatting.* Authors should send copies of
their work via e-mail as electronic attachments. Please keep backup files
of all disks. Files should be Microsoft Word in PC or Mac format, depending
on the editor's preference. Endnotes should conform to the Chicago Manual
of Style.
Upon acceptance, a format guideline will be forwarded to all contributors
as to image and text requirements.
*Current Board for Spectator*
Founding Editor
Marsha Kinder
Managing Editor
William Whittington
Issue Editor
Courtney E. White
To be determined
*Subscription Information*
Individual issues cost $10.00. Institutional rate for US and Canada is
$30.00 USD. All others $40.00 USD. Please contact the subscription editor
for bulk discounts. To order a subscription, please send *$15.00* *for the
current volume year to:
University of Southern California
School of Cinematic Arts
Critical Studies
SCA, Room 320
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2211
Attn: Spectator Subscription
Tel: (213) 740-3334
Fax: (213) 740-9471
*If you subscribe now, you will receive one back issue free (based on
availability). For additional back issues, contact subscription manager
and include $12.00 per issue.
Email: [log in to unmask]
Courtney E. White, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar--Teaching Fellow
Critical Studies, School of Cinematic Arts
University of Southern California
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