IASPM-US Call for Papers
Wed, 18 Nov 2020 17:41:54 -1000
Dear Screen-L Listserv,
The International Association for the Study of Popular Music - United
States (IASPM-US) is sending out the Call for Papers for our Spring 2021
conference. If you could, please share the following with members of your
Susan Jacob
Social Media and Communications Director - IASPM-US <http://iaspm-us.net/>
The International Association for the Study of Popular Music-United States
invites proposals for its 2021 annual conference. In recognition of these
extraordinary times and the continuing public health concerns and struggles
for social and racial justice that we face, this meeting will take place
virtually on May 19-22, 2021. We encourage proposals that speak to the
specific challenges of this historic moment, but more broadly welcome
proposals for individual papers and panels (up to four individuals) on any
aspect of popular music.
Papers will be 10-15 minutes in length and will be uploaded a month prior
to the conference for asynchronous viewing. We are also asking that a
written copy of the paper be uploaded for captioning and accessibility.
Panels will emphasize dialogue, Q&A, and exchange.
Please submit proposals via Word document or PDF to [log in to unmask] with
“last name, first name” in the subject line no later than midnight December
4, 2020. Individual submissions should include a paper title, the
presenter’s name, contact information and a 250-word abstract that
identifies the methodology used, states the paper’s goals, summarizes the
context and argument of the paper, and includes a brief conclusion.
Organized panels should include a 250-word description of the panel’s
rationale and goals, and a 250-word abstract for each individual
participating in the panel. Roundtables, consisting of a moderated
conversation with 4 – 6 participants, require a single 250 word abstract
and a list of roundtable members, and should designate one person as the
panel chair. Roundtables and organized panels can be allotted up to a
two-hour time slot. Abstracts not adhering to the word count will not be
IASPM-US is a multidisciplinary organization and invites proposals from and
across all fields of scholarly inquiry. Conference proposals from
intellectuals outside of academia, including teachers, museum and archive
professionals, musicians and music professionals, and independent scholars,
are encouraged. IASPM-US is also a friendly conference for students at all
levels. We especially welcome proposals from members of underrepresented
groups including, but not limited to, women, Black/African American,
Indigenous, and People of Color, people with disabilities, and people from
LGBTQ+ communities, as well as people of different ages, socio/economic
classes, nationalities, and religions. We encourage people to self-identify
in their proposals as a member of one of the groups listed above.
This year’s program committee consists of Justin Patch (chair), Anthony
Kwame Harrison, K. E. Goldschmitt, Brian F. Wright, Rebekah Farrugia, and
Kathryn Metz.
Please note: All conference presenters must be registered IASPM members (or
must register after paper, panel, or roundtable acceptance; there is no
need to register to submit). For membership and conference information
visit:http://iaspm-us.net/ <http://iaspm-us.net/about-iaspm-us/signup/>
Screen-L is sponsored by the College of Communication and Information Sciences,
the University of Alabama: https://cis.ua.edu