Re: Sally Potter's *The Gold Diggers*
Thu, 28 Aug 1997 14:05:34 -0400
Sally herself will be at the Toronto Int'l Film Festival on Tues. Sept. 9,
at 3pm at the Cumberland to make a special presentation of the film
"Stairway to Heaven" (UK, 1946). C'mon up and ask her! (I won't be able to
be there.) Her new movie, "The Tango Lesson", is also premiering. If you
would like me to transcribe a few quotes from her about these films, let me
(PS Her filmography shows The Gold Diggers as being a 1983 film, not 1981.
It also showed at the Toronto festival back then.)
At 09:38 PM 8/26/97 -0400, you wrote:
><<I am working on a project on feminism and auteurism in the work of Sally
>Potter. Unfortunately, Ms. Potter has withdrawn her 1981 film, *The Gold
>Diggers*, from distribution. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I
>might be able to rent or borrow or view a copy of this film?>>
>Women Make Movies must still have a viewing copy around. have you tried
>asking them if you might borrow it? Try Distribution Director Erika Vogt at
>[log in to unmask]
>Good luck,
>Jenni Olson
>Producer, PopcornQ
>Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite
Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite