Tue, 18 Jan 1994 01:40:08 -0700
Well, *CBTT5&D,JD,JD* has a character who was once male, but now is a
female, but it turns out that he/she fathered "the son of Jimmy Dean,"
rather than James Dean himself. The film explores what it means to be a
woman--one character has had a radical mastectomy, the others have mislead
themselves for years about who and what they are.
I've been exploring this issue lately because I spend so much time M**ing,
both for fun and for teaching, and there is a lot of genderbending going on
out on the telnet sites.
Which reminds me....has anyone seen "the movies" at MediaMOO? They
certainly seem to lack a filmmaker's flair. But they are there, at purple- 8888. I'm Montana there, if any of you should try to
come out.
I vote for the brainstorming on movies--I'm always finding new things to
watch that way (and living in Montana, that is sometimes difficult). This
week a couple of friends and I have been working our way through the Fred
Schepisi films--inspired by the *New Yorker* article--then discussing them
out on the MOO. Would any of you folks out there be interested in having a
discussion about film sometime out on MediaMOO? We could easily schedule a
This list is really odd--I guess I'm used to the spontaneity and creativity
of CREWRT-L; sometimes things here seem terribly hostile. Must be all that
critical theory....
Kathleen Ely
(Who never made it beyond the auteur theory....)