Re: Milestone's new releases
Thu, 3 Sep 1998 12:39:31 -0500
_The Face of Another_ was released on tape by Sony Video Software as part
of the Japan Film Society line, but I believe it is out of print. I
borrowed a Japanese professor's copy. The 800 number left to call is now
used by Lifetime network. _Box Man_ is an Abe adaptation that I believe
was Teshigahara's, but I could be mistaken. I know Takemitsu did the
On Wed, 2 Sep 1998, Dennis Doros wrote:
> In a message dated 9/2/98 11:47:39 AM, you wrote:
> <<I wonder if Teshigahara's _Box Man_ and _The Face of Another_ are far
> behind. Any hint?
> Scott>>
> The hint, unfortunately, is no. We have considered going back to Mr.
> Teshigahara and distribute more of his films because we've had such good
> working relations with him, but we have so many interests and there's so many
> films out there. So the real answer is, not in the near future.
> The Face of Another is owned by Janus Films and has never been put out on home
> video. As for "Box Man," I'm not sure which title that is. Are you talking
> about the two documentaries with boxer Jose Torres?
> Dennis Doros
> Milestone Film & Video
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