Re: TWO REQUESTS (Memento)
Thu, 6 Jan 2005 13:59:35 -0500
I found the following regarding "Memento" on
--Insert Disc two from the Limited Edition set, then select the clock.
--Select answer "c" 5 times (The actual answers have nothing to do with the navigation)
--When you reach the question where you put the pictures in order of the woman fixing her tire, put them in REVERSE order (3, 4, 1, 2), rather than the correct order, and you will be taken to the Chronological version of the film, complete with backwards credits and the opening scene in forward motion.
***Note: This feature worked on my laptop, my Sony DVD, and my Pioneer DVD, however it did NOT work on my Toshiba for some reason...It just played the credits backwards, then the movie in the original I'd be interested to hear from others with Toshiba's to see if this feature worked on their players...***
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