Mon, 1 Aug 1994 00:05:22 -0600
On Sun, 31 Jul 1994, RACHEL BELL wrote:
> On Friday night, against the advice of several film buffs, I rented
> Mike Leigh's "Naked". I found it to be at times intriguing while at
> other times monotonous. This is the first Mike Leigh movie that I
> have seen and I am interested in what people have to say about his
> other films--"Life is Sweet" and "High Hopes".
> Rachel Bell
As a huge fan of "Life is Sweet" and a fan of "High Hopes", I went into
"Naked" with trepidation knowing the story somewhat, and seeing that tape
box and all. Leigh has shown a fine eye in showing the effect of
political systems on everday people. Why would he want to make a movie
about psychotics?
And I like Woody Allen's movies, but only the "early, funny ones".
Anyway, "Naked" seemed to me a meditation on why men are assholes, and
why women seem to enable asshole men to exist. That's pretty deep film
theory, huh? As such, it does touch on aspects of the British
socio-political state, especially the idea that perfectly intelligent, if
psychotic, men are denied the ability to use their intelligence in any
meaningful sphere.
But mainly, they're just assholes. Really psychotic assholes. To tell
the truth, the movie left me walking a track near my apartment lap after
lap trying to deal with its "reality". Unlike the characters of "Life Is
Sweet", who can't express or find outlets for their goals and desires,
the two main male characters of "Naked" find an outlet in pure, amoral
violence towards women. It's just as bleak as "High Hopes" and "Life is
Sweet" are wistful.
Personally, I prefer wistful. I also prefer cacti named Thatcher and
drunk guys naming off players from the Arsenal side while falling off bar
stools. After seeing "Naked" three weeks ago, I still have a bruise from
the kick in the stomach I got from seeing it. "Are you with me..."
Rachel...BTW, see both "High Hopes" and "Life is Sweet".
Scott Key XXXXX "The nerve of some people..." -- Richard Thompson
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