Re: Address for FILM-L list
Mon, 21 Mar 1994 09:48:40 GMT
Below is the address for the filmmakers mailing list. Please be patient,
however, as the list is maintained manually, and Scott Dorsey has been
overrun recently by AOL. In general, it would save a lot of admin work
for Scott, if people made sure they really did want to be on the list,
before subscribing (hard, I know). Here is a quick blurb on what the
list does (from the FAQ):
The list is made up of filmmakers worldwide, who exchange com-
ments, notes, gripes, and technical reviews with each other. It
is intended as a forum for filmmakers. Questions and comments on
film stocks, cameras, problems with equipment and projection are
common. The discussions run the gamut of independent filmmaking,
including such topics as scriptwriting (although this is better
served through the screenwriters mailing list), preproduction,
camera operation, lighting, sound recording, editing, negative
cutting, printing, processing, film festivals and distribution.
It is not intended for movie reviews, or the eternal discussion
of Blade Runner, unless such discussion relates in some way to
the actual filmmaking process.
If this is what you're looking for, then please feel free to subscribe
by sending the usual subscription request to;
[log in to unmask]
Hope this helps...
- Der