Tue, 23 Jul 1996 09:32:00 +0300
Hello again,
To contiunue with a few more goodies from the Jerusalem film Festival.
Somehow this year was a harvest of documentaries.
There were two documentaries on Orson Welles. One you probably have seen
as it was from the American experience series: THE BATTLE OVER CITIZEN
KANE. The other one is called ORSON WELLES-THE ONE-MAN BAND 1995
Germany/Switzerland/France Vassili Silovic
The American Experience series was highly critical of Welles and kept
intimating that it was all down hill for him from here on. The German
film displayed with the help of Welles' companion Oja Kodar all the
things Welles did and the diversity and professionalism and creativity
in his films whether completed or not. Apparently he filmed a version
of The Merchant Of Venice which is except for a few snippets not extant.
I never knew that she at one time was the highest paid woman in America.
What a lovely film and expertly done. The recreated Carmen (not too
often as there is a tremendous amount of footage even Brazilian films that
she appeared in ) is played by a drag Queen. A sad ending for she died
at the age of 46 for such a vivacious personality.
Some features that were charming and memorable and what's important to
a festival goer like me is that they most likely will never have a
theatrical showing or even get to video.
GUANTANAMERA 1995 /Cuba/Spain/ Germany Tomas Gutierrez Alea and Juan
Carlos Tabio
I can't get the tune out of may head. Gutierrez's last picture and and
light heartedview of the economic difficulties in Cuba as represented by
the official in charge of funeral arrangements.
NOBODY LOVES ME. 1995 Germany Doris Dorrie
A kind of screwball comedy with a charming touch that I don't often
associate with German film. Feminist but not too much.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention the docudrama PASOLINI; AN ITALIAN
CRIME. 1995 Italy Marco tullio Giordana
Using real footage with even an eulogy by a young Bernardo Bertolucci
the directors hint that Pasolini's death was not due to rough trade
sexually speaking but of his political writings shortly before his
death. No matter what you may have thought about him as a person
or a filmmaker (My husband disliked him for the one bad movie he made
l20 Days of Sodom) this is film makes quite a case for a political
I could go on for days.
Harriet Kasow on Mt. Scopus [log in to unmask]
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