Call for Papers--The Journal of Popular Culture from Blackwell Publishing
Tue, 6 Jan 2004 11:03:09 -0600
CALL FOR PAPERS: The Journal of Popular Culture
The popular culture movement was founded on the principle that the
perspectives and experiences of common folk offer compelling insights into
the social world. The fabric of human social life is not merely the art
deemed worthy to hang in museums, the books that have won literary prizes
or been named "classics," or the religious and social ceremonies carried
out by societies' elite. The Journal of Popular Culture continues to break
down the barriers between so-called "low" and "high" culture and focuses on
filling in the gaps that a neglect of popular culture has left in our
understanding of society. To view a FREE online sample copy of the journal,
please visit
All contributions to The Journal of Popular Culture will be forwarded to a
member of the editorial board or other reviewer for comment. Manuscripts
must not be previously published, nor should they be submitted for
publication elsewhere while being reviewed by The Journal of Popular
Culture's editorial board or outside readers.
Manuscripts should be sent to Gary Hoppenstand, Editor, The Journal of
Popular Culture , Department of American Thought and Language, Michigan
State University, 235 Bessey Hall, East Lansing, Michigan 48824; E-mail:
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]
Authors must submit three hard copies of the article and an electronic copy
on disk in MS Word. A single title page must accompany one of the hard
copies, containing complete contact information (address, phone number,
e-mail address). On the first page of each of the three copies of the
article, only include the article's title, being sure not to include the
author's name. The JPC will be instituting a triple ''blind review''
process, meaning that a copy of the article will be sent to one of three
reviewers. The author's name will not be revealed to the reviewer.
Essays should be written in clear U.S. English in the active voice and
third person, in a style accessible to the broadest possible audience.
Authors should be sensitive to the social implications of language and
choose wording free of discriminatory or sexist overtones.
For documentation, The Journal of Popular Culture follows the Modern
Language Association style, as articulated by Joseph Gibaldi and Walter S.
Achtert in the paperback MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 5th
ed. (New York: MLA, 1999), and in The MLA Style Manual, 2nd ed. (New York:
MLA, 1998). This style calls for a Works Cited list, with parenthetical
author/page references in the text. This approach reduces the number of
notes, which provide further references or explanation.
For punctuation, capitalization, hyphenation, and other matters of style,
The Journal of Popular Culture follows the MLA Handbook and the MLA Style
Manual, supplemented as necessary by The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th ed.
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993).
It is essential for authors to check, correct, and bring manuscripts up to
date before final submission. Authors should verify facts, names of people,
places, and dates, and double-check all direct quotations and entries in
the Works Cited list.
Authors of manuscripts accepted for publication must subscribe to The
Journal of Popular Culture for at least one year at the time of acceptance.
Subscription includes membership in the Popular Culture Association .
Book review inquiries should be sent directly to the Book Review Editor:
Peter C. Holloran at Worcester State College, Department of History, 486
Chandler Street, Worcester, MA 01602. E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Before final submission, the author will be responsible for obtaining
letters of permission for illustrations and for quotations, which go beyond
"fair use," as defined by current copyright law.
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: