Re: Death and film
Mon, 13 Mar 1995 13:15:10 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Edwin Jahiel quoted a friend on Wed, 8 Mar, 1995:
>Emilia, my 10 year old, and I were watching "What's Eating Gilbert Grape"
>the other day. She asked me "Why do people always look out the window when
>someone dies?" Very perceptive. I think she's right--a movie convention.
>I'm afraid I gave her a completely unsatisfying answer about needing
>something to do, and getting perspective on the world at large. Just
>thought I'd pass it along.
There is an interesting discussion of windows and doorframes in a book called
CINEMA AND SENTIMENT by Charles Affron. This is all from memory, so excuse
me if I oversimplify this, but he argued that this architectural "framing"
accentuates moments of great emotional import, much like the role of the
picture frame in classical art. The book is thick with the kind of theory
that bugs Freelancer so much, but I will note that after reading this
analysis, I've used this "framing" technique in my film work, even in
projects as unlikely as mundane industrial videos, proving that some of us on
the production side can glean useful information from all you "bookworms."
(Is that the technical term?)
Arn McConnell
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