Re: oj simpson
Tue, 5 Jul 1994 19:46:00 PDT
> I have been fascinated by the OJ Simpson comments on this list and I'm finding
> the television coverage of the pre-trial hearing equally compelling. Has
> anyone thought about putting together a panel on some of the issues discussed
> here for SCS?
> Abigail Feder Northwestern University
As one who has just spent the entire day (from 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m PDT)
glued to the television, despite deadlines for articles and a dissertation,
I confess to being riveted as well. Moreover, I seriously doubt my ability
to un-glue myself from the hearings and related coverage anytime soon,
and in fact, I have to log off my computer in the next half
hour in order to catch one of the network's "special coverage" programs
(a.k.a. wrap-ups) of the day's proceedings. It seems to me that
there's more than enough material for at least one panel at SCS
on the Simpson case and the media -- and probably several, as the
constellation of related issues which have manifested themselves in the
past few weeks is truly staggering. Like Abigail, I'd be interested in
learning about any panels that might be organized.
For the equally fascinated, H-Film has also been tracking the Simpson
case as it has been unfolding in the media. In addition, the
news net bulletin board has racked up
numerous posts on the case, addressing it from a variety of
perspectives (informed, ill-informed, off-the-wall, you name
it). The fact that it exists at all (I suspect it was formed in
the wake of the June murders, but I don't know for sure) is another
measure of the virtual explosion of cultural discourse around these events.
Alison McKee
Department of Film and Television
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