Re: MLA Resolution vs Proposition 187 (fwd)
Tue, 13 Dec 1994 08:53:14 CST
Author: Gloria Monti <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 12/12/94 1:10 PM
[Editor's note: This message was submitted to SCREEN-L by the "Author" noted
above, and not by Jeremy Butler ([log in to unmask]).]
> I must protest the posting of this petition regarding prop. 187. It has
> nothing whatsoever to do with the scholarly study of film and television,
> rather is a partisan political initiative. The posting is manifestly totally
> inappropriate for such a forum
and should be removed at once.
Removed at once, just like illegal immigrants.
> MLA has no standing as such to have any special expertise in immigration law
> and is an inappropriate venue for such a petition.
Since I am the one who forwarded the petition--at the request of
a colleague, I am offering my unsolicited opinion to Mr. Jarvik, Ph.D.
I thought it was appropriate to forward the petition to Screen-L
because many of us on this list are teachers and as such we are directly
affected by this law. Our scholarly study of film and television is also
affected by the passing of this law insofar as the (teaching) practice of
our study is concerned. The MLA is also involved in the practice of
teaching. The petition, which will be taken to San Diego in December,
might have an important impact on the convention.
> Signing such a petition, I am sure, will discredit the reputation of any film
> or television scholar who is foolish enough to participate, since it would
> reveal a lack of prudence.
Some people are more concerned with principles than prudence,
luckily. For example: Lani Guinier & the former Surgeon General--to cite
two recent examples.
Gloria Monti