Reservoir Dogs/City on Fire
Tue, 19 Jul 1994 10:41:40 MDT
Following up on my previous post regarding the FILM THREAT article
about similarities between Tarantino's RESERVOIR DOGS and a Hong
Kong picture, CITY ON FIRE, directed by Ringo Lam, this article can
be found in:
Film Threat, August 1994, p. 9
This issue is still on some newsstands, but is quickly being replaced
with the October 1994 issue, which contains an amusing follow-up
article about stalking Tarantino at Cannes.
I highly recommend FILM THREAT and it's companion publication,
FILM THREAT VIDEO GUIDE as review-oriented film magazines. Very
lively and humorous coverage of genre, cult, and "Hollywood" films.
Keith R. Crosley [log in to unmask]
Director, Technical Communication
Research Systems, Inc.
2995 Wilderness Place
Boulder, CO 80301