South Asia/RTF position announcement
Thu, 7 Jun 2001 19:36:32 -0500
The Center for Asian Studies and Department of Radio-Television-Film at the
University of Texas at Austin invite applications for a Lecturer or Senior
Lecturer position in film, media, and cultural studies, specializing in
South Asia, with duties to commence August 15, 2001. This is a one-year
appointment that may be renewed for a second year, and that may convert
after two years to a permanent tenure-track position, subject to
administrative approval. Salary is competitive based on
experience. Applicants should have completed the Ph.D. and should be able
to teach, conduct research, and supervise graduate students in one or more
of the following areas: History and Analysis of Indian (or South Asian)
Cinema; Third World Cinema: South Asia; Studies in Indian (or South Asian)
Culture, Media and Society. Experience in film, video, and/or television
production is desirable. Please send application letter, current
curriculum vitae, and names of three references to Dr. Kathryn Hansen,
Director, Center for Asian Studies, The University of Texas at Austin, WCH
4.134, G9300, Austin, TX 78712-1194. We will begin reviewing applications
on July 1 and will continue until the position is filled.
Janet Staiger
William P. Hobby Centennial Professor of Communication
Department of Radio-Television-Film, CMA 6.128
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712 USA
512-471-6653 (office)
512-329-5104 (home)
512-329-5144 (home fax)
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Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite