Re: query: RED HARVEST
Thu, 21 Nov 1996 19:16:38 -0800
"Red Harvest" inspired Kurasawa's "Yojimbo," which inspired Sergio Leone's
"Fistful of Dollars," which inspired Walter Hill's "Last Man Standing."
None were the real thing, but all had in common the theme of a lone
mercenary arriving in a small town in which two rival gangs were waging war
and fixing things so that the gangs wiped themselves out.
Curiously, when "Miller's Crossing" debuted, Joel and Ethan Coen told
reporters that the film was modelled on "RH," which many dutifully reported.
"Miller's Crossing" is, in fact, a fairly literal remake of Hammett's "The
Glass Key" (which had been filmed with Alan Ladd, Brian Donleavy and William
Bendix), and I've always suspected that the Coens deliberately misled people
just to see which reporters were lazy and which actually knew what they were
talking about.
Shawn Levy
>anybody out there in SCREEN-Land know whether a film was ever made of
>d. hammett's RED HARVEST [either under that name or some other]?
>and if there was, can you provide any info about it?
>thanks very much
>mike frank
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Shawn Levy | "Sympathy isn't what I'm after, I'm basically
| almost happy, God in all His wisdom knows that at heart
[log in to unmask] I'm really not complaining...."
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