Re: Are we bashing the South?
Thu, 20 Jan 1994 16:43:25 EST
The story Jeremy wrote of got no play that I know of in Philadelphia,
a city with a substantial black population.
Local TV news here is much like any other place I've been: Nothing
short of hell-and-damnation in other localities get any play.
I guess that's because we've got enough of our own.
The Philadelphia INQUIRER is an important national newspaper, in
addition to covering the area well. I saw no story out of
Birmingham in the newspaper.
In general, I suspect that the lack of coverage is due to the
general near-sightedness of all local journalism coupled.
Not to be too harsh, though, the story Jeremy reported doesn't
seem like one that would travel very far. We have an ample
supply of such stories of our own.
Do you hear of similar stories out of Philadelphia dealing with
abortion, AIDS, etc.? Fortunately we haven't had a racial story
like the one in Birmingham since the election of our first black
mayor about a decade ago.
Cal Pryluck, Radio-Television-Film, Temple University, Philadelphia
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