International Video Noir/Mystery/Crime Competition
Mon, 5 May 2008 14:00:51 +0200
Please announce to your students and anyone else who might be interested:
If you have‹-or have the urge to make--a mystery/crime/²noir² or similar
video, five minutes or less in length, you might consider submitting it to
Mystfest. Linked to a longstanding and prestigious international literary
prize for noir and crime fiction in Italy (Premio Gran Giallo) and itself a
former international competition for mystery, crime, and noir film, Mystfest
has evolved this year into an international video competition. Cell phone
video and more conventional digital video are all welcome.
The deadline is May 16. Videos can be uploaded to the site
<> . For more information, consult the site. You will
find all the English-language material you need, including an application
form and an email address ([log in to unmask]) to obtain instructions for
Prizes will be awarded in three categories:
- best script
- best technical realization
- best acting
Each winner will get 1,000 Euros and a 3G Samsung smartphone. The
winners will present their works during an event held in Cattolica
(Italy) on June 28-29.
Frank Burke, PhD
Professor, Department of Film and Media
Queen's University
Kingston, ON Canada K7L 3N6
Tel: 613 533-2178
Fax: 613 533-2063
In Italy:
Viale Castracani, 282
Lucca, Italia 55100
Tel. & Fax: (011 39) 0583 49 17 73
Cell: (011 39) 334 711 3261
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: