Re: Imitation of Life (1934)
Thu, 5 Jan 1995 11:06:03 CST
Author: [log in to unmask] (Stephen O'Riordan)
Date: 1/5/95 10:28 AM
[Editor's note: This message was submitted to SCREEN-L by the "Author" noted
above, and not by Jeremy Butler ([log in to unmask]).]
>>Author: Marti Mangan <[log in to unmask]>
>>Date: 1/4/95 5:32 PM
>>Do any of you film librarians know where I could rent (for classroom
>>purposes) a print of Imitation of Life (Stahl, 1934) starring Claudette
>>Colbert? Thanks.
>I haven't checked recently, Marti, but the last time I looked (four or five
>years ago) IMITATION OF LIFE (1934) was not available in 16mm. There was a
>print floating around in the '80s when Swank (?) was handling Universal
>films. I think now that the rights may be controlled by Turner, but I'm
>really not sure.
>If anyone can clarify where the 1930's Universal films have wound up I'd be
>most grateful.
>P.S. I used both IMITATION OF LIFEs in my dissertation so I've got kinda a
>vested interest in this...
> =====================================================================
> Jeremy Butler [log in to unmask]
> SCREEN-L Coordinator [log in to unmask]
> Telecommunication & Film Dept. * University of Alabama * Tuscaloosa
> =====================================================================
> * * *
Marti, Swank Still handles, Imitation of Life 1934, as well as many 1930-
1940 Universal films. Just in case you don't have their number 800 876- 3344.
Stephen O'Riordan
Film/Video Archives
Media Center, UCSD
9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92093-0504
Tel: 619/534-7981 Fax: 619/534-7180
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