----------------------------Original message----------------------------
My suggestions are as follows:>
> >
> >What are some videos which could alleviate the funding for:
> > -- School lunches
Any Shirley Temple vehicle (not only did she never whine about free
lunch, she worked for hers)
> > -- CPB
The Best of Romper Room (boxed set)
> > -- NEA & NEH
NEA: The Agony and the Ecstasy
NEH: De Mille's Cleopatra (now thats history!)
> > -- the United Nations
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
> > -- AFDC
Its a Wonderful Life
> > -- Public housing
Its a Wonderful Life
> > -- Public schools
Tom Brown's Schooldays (see also School Lunches and Roads)
> > -- anything with the word "public" in it
That Ayn Rand thing with Gary Cooper that I always block out on purpose
> > -- the Post Office
Sorry, Wrong Number
> > -- Roads (who'll need 'em in the information economy, anyway?)
> >
Young Mr. Lincoln (if he could walk, so can we)
Love and kisses to our friend Larry...
D. Brooks