Re: More Disney Questions
Thu, 12 May 1994 17:48:35 EDT
To John Thomas (and other Disney-interested folk):
I guess the point of my earlier posting was that the studio
heads in the 1930s and 1940s, including Disney, had an
individualistic power that doesn't seem to apply today.
Thus, Disney himself had the ability to grab his creative
personnel at his whim (in the story John told, a good whim)
and make ad hoc changes in movie scripts and productions.
How does the story go about the studio head who used the
"butt squirm" theory of movies -- if his butt squirmed too
much while he was watching a movie, it was a bad movie?
And although many of the movies produced under the classic
studio system may have had a style all their own, I wonder
about the working conditions of such systems. Wasn't
Disney notorious about squelching individual recognition
among his artists?
Matt McAllister,
Virginia Tech