Re: videos
Fri, 28 Jul 2000 01:17:33 -0400
On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Eugene Walz wrote:
> Manahatta
Not on video, AFAIK, but Kit Parker has 16-mm prints of *Manhatta*
and *Rain* (Ivens, I presume) for nominal rentals ($US15.00). MoMA offers
the same in 16-mm, but at a higher rate $US35 and 40. MoMA will also
sell prints, or at least did, some five years back.
> Berlin: Symphony of a City
Facets sells *Berlin: Symphony of a City* with the Brock score
for $24.95 on VHS. I'm not at my office to consult my various catalogues,
but I seem to remember Kino Video offering a version, as well, though I
may well be mistaken. Kino tapes are excellent. MoMA offers it in 16-mm,
silent, as I recall.
My recollection is that the MoMA prints of the above two are in
somewhat better shape than those of KPF (not that I don't recommend
renting from Kit Parker!).
William Lafferty, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Theatre Arts [log in to unmask]
Wright State University office: (937) 775-4581 or 3072
Dayton, Ohio 45435-0001 USA facsimile: (937) 775-3787
I have been in the scholastic profession long enough to know
that nobody enters it unless he has some very good reason
which he is anxious to conceal.
--- Augustus Fagin, Esq., PhD, in
Evelyn Waugh's *Decline and Fall*
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